It is strongly observed that majority of the educated women prefers to initiate some innovative but positive activities outside their four-walled life at house. There are a large number of women in Pakistan who have become successful in their fieldworks. They have proved their ability to learn quickly, willingness to take risks and chances, ability to motivate people, knowing how to win and lose gracefully. Now it is an established fact that women entrepreneurship can play a vital role in building the economy of developing countries. But even then women, being 52 per cent of Pakistan population, are still an underutilized talent in general, and their role in entrepreneurship implanting new technologies in particular. The technological changes have brought in a paradigm shift in the economic development all over the world. Gender equality and women empowerment is the 3rd MDG expected to embark upon giving women their share in society and access to use of new technologies. Young womens role in entrepreneurship and use of new technologies is extremely important. But, unfortunately, the country is witnessing a very slow pace of giving women a role in entrepreneurship, due to cultural and religious barriers. This poses a problem for women entrepreneurship and in implementing new technologies. Even as women are receiving education, they face the prospect of unemployment. In this background, self-employment is regarded as a cure to generate income. Though the government encourages more and more women entrepreneurship especially in science and technology, the ratio is still too low. But the ball has started rolling and signs of women entrepreneurships are positive. Women entrepreneurs in Pakistan are handicapped in the matter of organizing and running businesses on account of their generally low levels of skills and for want of support system. But the trend is changing. Women across Pakistan are showing an interest to be economically independent. They are coming forth to the business arena with ideas to start small and medium enterprises. In fact, the myth that women cannot engage in productive employment needs to be dispelled. They can be encouraged to set up small and medium scale entrepreneurships on their own initiative. However, lack of family support, capital, confidence and right private institutions are still some main hurdles in promoting the women entrepreneurship. The government must evolve appropriate policies to help women entrepreneurs. Networking facilities must be provided as well as adequate entrepreneurship awareness training should be provided using the help of local NGOs. Credit facilities must be made available and marketing help must be provided. All these will help foster a culture of entrepreneurship among women especially science and technology.

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