SYLLABUS is the yardstick of measuring the standard of education being practised in any educational institution. Institutions in the advance world try to excel in formulating their syllabus on the pattern of the world-famous educational institutions. This concept of adopting the latest trends in education is very useful for raising the standard of education.

Institutions have a great responsibility towards implementing the syllabus in letter and spirit for the reputation and recognition of their institution.

Earlier, working days of educational institutions were fully utilised and there used to be the least interference of any kind in the continuation of studies and teaching in the classes.

But now unforeseen closures of educational institutions have badly affected the syllabus completion. However, good institutions devise emergency plans for the recovery of the left-out classes.

It is deplorable that institutions in the public sector seldom take pain to compensate for the lost hours of studies.

As a result, syllabus is not completed and students suffer immensely.

Teachers and students are stakeholders, and must complete the syllabus.

However, there are teachers who sometimes provide notes to students and encourage rote learning.

This attitude of the teachers deprives students of their mental growth and communicative skills. What is important is that both teachers and students work together to make the syllabus effective.

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