
We need the bees for our bare survival

By Saikat Kumar Basu 

Bees are now considered as one of the most important animal species on earth. They are important and the driving force that silently regulates the dynamics of our global ecosystems. But pollution and excess use of pesticides or wiping them out of our ecosystem. Sure, they are one of nature’s best creation; unfortunately we are mass killing them though our economic progress and irresponsibility towards nature. An outstanding example of co evolution. Plants and corresponding pollinators have evolved to care for one another. Flowers mimic female insects and often emit similar pheromones to attract insect males that jump on the flower thinking it to be a female and catch pollens which they transfer from one flower to the next, a classical example of entomophilous pollination.

Industrial agriculture, pollution, mono-cropping, changes in land use patterns, Global Warming and Climate Change, lack of suitable bee foraging plants (melliferous flora), reduced immunity, poor genetics, preponderance of several parasitic diseases, Colony Collapse Disorder, increased hive predation, loss of native flora in key bee habitats and bee pastures, competition with exotic bee species like the African bees are some of the anthropogenic gators impacting global decline of bees. Honeybee colonies can still be replaced as commercial bee farms are available. The worst impacted are native bees and their population across many species has declined between 95-97%. Several species has not been seen or reported  for decades. Although technically not extinct; but they could be at the very edge of total extinction.

We need to establish numerous Pollinator Sanctuaries to help the bees by extending and expanding their foraging to supply them with necessary nutrients as well for their hives to thrive. The petition wants to take these to the relevant governments and parliaments requesting for changes in laws in using toxic pesticides and to create bee habitats for conserving the species. If we do not act now it may be too late to save them from extinction.(For supporting our bee conservation  petition, please click on the link below: http://chng.it/m7sM6j6m).