
Here’s an interesting occasion for you! World Egg Day is celebrated on October 8. The day is celebrated in order to raise awareness about the benefits of eggs and their importance in human nutrition.

By Arsalan

  • Introduction:

The day was established at IEC Vienna in 1996 conference. On this day, it was decided that World Egg Day will be celebrated on second Friday in October every year. “World Egg Day is a great reminder to incorporate the nutritionally dense protein-packed eggs in our diet on a regular basis. Eggs are a source of complete protein containing all the 9 essential amino acids required by the body,” says an expert nutritionist.

Per capita annual egg consumption in Pakistan is 60 eggs while the recommend value is 250-300 eggs. Meanwhile, annual egg consumption in Europe is 240, in America it is 300 and in japan it is 330 eggs.

  • Why you should be eating eggs daily?

Eggs are a rich source of protein and several essential nutrients, particularly vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Selenium and Choline. Emerging evidence suggests that eating eggs is associated with satiety, weight management and better diet quality. In addition, antioxidants found in egg yolk may help prevent age-related oracular degeneration. A scientific study conducted by UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) showed that regular egg consumers with a low red and processed meat (RPM) intake ate healthier diets and had a better micro-nutrient status than those who did not eat eggs but who had a high RPM intake. It was concluded that egg consumption, at a range of intakes, was associated with nutrition and health benefits.

Protein is an important nutrient for weight watchers. Most of the protein in eggs is present in egg whites. If you want to lose weight or build muscles, eating egg whites can be extremely beneficial for you.

  • Nutritional Benefits Of Eggs:

Eggs can make a significant contribution to a healthy diet. A medium-sized egg provides 78 kcal, yet contains 6.5 g protein.  Apart from protein, eggs are also rich in vitamin A, Vitamin B5, B12, phosphorus and selenium. Eggs are also among the few foods that can provide you with Vitamin D, E and K. Egg yolks provide you with healthy fats that can boost brain function and also facilitate absorption of fat-soluble vitamins- Vitamin A, D, E and K. The fat content is 5.8 g, of which 2.3 g is monounsaturated fat.

Here is a comparison of Nutritional Profile of boiled eggs with different types of meat

     Data extracted from FSA (2006)

  • Health Benefits Of Eggs:

Getting enough protein in your diet is extremely important for a healthy body. Proteins are the building blocks of the human body as they formulate all sorts of tissues which serve as a structural and functional process. A single large egg contains around six grams of protein. Apart from this, eggs also contain all the essential amino acids which further help in working with protein in your body. Enough protein is important for stronger bones, increase muscle mass, help in weight loss etc.

Eating eggs can help you to increase the High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) which is also known as good cholesterol. A single egg contains 212 mg, which is over half of the recommended daily intake of 300 mg. Higher levels of HDL lower down the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other health problems. Studies have shown that consuming two eggs per day for six weeks have helped in enhancing HDL level by 10%.

Consumption of higher amount of Low Density Lipids (LDL) cholesterol which also known as the bad cholesterol is harmful for health and enhances the chance of heart disease. Lesser known fact is that there are two sub-types of LDL: small LDL and large LDL. According to the studies, large LDL is more beneficial for health than small and eggs help to raise the level of the former.

Eggs contain two powerful antioxidants – Lutein and Zeaxanthin. These antioxidants assemble in the retina of the eyes. The risk of the two most common eye disorders, Cataract and Oracular degeneration can be reduced by consuming adequate amounts of these nutrients. Eggs are also high in vitamin A. Deficiency of vitamin A is known to be the most common cause of blindness in the world.

The most complex part of the body is the brain. And for maintaining good health, it is extremely important for you to maintain a healthy brain. Eggs contain most of the right vitamins and minerals which are needed for regular functioning of cells, memory, nervous system and metabolism.

  • Eggs are ideal for Keto Diet:

The best part about eggs and their nutrient profile is that they can rightly be called as the ideal keto food! It is the perfect low carb, high fat and high protein food.  Nutritionally speaking, one large egg contains less than 1 gm carbs, 5 grams of fat and around 6 grams of protein. This nutrient profile is ideal for a ketogenic lifestyle. Protein in egg whites trigger feeling of fullness and keeps blood sugar levels stable.

  • Conclusion:

Eggs are a low energy, nutrient-dense food source that contribute to diet quality, particularly intakes of selenium and vitamin D. For most individuals, egg consumption will have little or no influence on cholesterol levels. For the general population, there are clear nutritional benefits to eating eggs on a regular basis. Emerging evidence suggests that eggs may be beneficial for satiety, weight control and eye health.

By Muhammad Arslan

My name is Muhammad Arslan and I am studying in University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Degree Plant Breeding and Genetics.