World is of Knowledge, Inclusive Development Foundation (IDF) in partnership with COMSTECH among others organized V Nobel Fest in Astana during 26-28 October, 2022 in hybrid format. IDF is an independent non-profit organization that aimed to foster open dialogue on inclusive policies related to the most pressing public issues.

Todays World is of Knowledge and Its Application, Prof. Iqbal Choudhary

Nobel Fest is a unique online platform for discussing and sharing innovative ideas with Nobel prize laureates, distinguished scientists and experts. The main mission of the Nobel Fest is to make world education and science accessible in every corner of the world. World is of Knowledge, This year’s Nobel Fest held in Astana, Kazakhstan, students and young scientists from all parts of the world have been granted an unlimited access to the platform, and allowed to connect and communicate with Nobel Prize laureates and distinguished scientists. The Coordinator General COMSTECH, Prof. Dr. M. Iqbal Choudhary addressed the Nobel Fest and said that on behalf of the OIC Ministerial Standing Committee (COMSTECH), I express my greetings to the organizers of V Nobel Fest for putting together another excellent festival of knowledge for future leaders. He extended gratitude to the organizers for extending invitation to COMSTECH as the co-organizer of the VI Nobel Fest, to be held in early 2023 in Islamabad. Prof. Choudhary said that we live in a world which is defined by knowledge and its application.

He quoted Pakistani Nobel Laureate Prof. Abdus Salam who said “developing countries differ from developed countries not only because they have less wealth and capital but because they have less knowledge”. Prof. Choudhary appreciated the focus of V Nobel Fest on education and knowledge and said that it is timely and important. He stressed that we need to act and act promptly at all levels. World is of Knowledge, Prof. Choudhary said the major challenges which Muslim world face in the field of education are: low access to education as among the 780 million illiterate people, half live in OIC region; female literacy is well below the world average; exclusion of children of minorities and children with disabilities; armed conflicts leading to large scale migration; and lack of investment in schools, trained teachers, and educational material. Prof. Choudhary said that we must work on war footing to ensure every child must get the basic right to education. He said I am pleased to report here that as per vision of the former President of Kazakhstan, we are in the process of developing an institutional mechanism for inter Islamic cooperation, called OIC-15, comprise of 15 most developed OIC member states.

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