IMG_0613STAFF REPORT LHR: The CropLife Pakistan (CLP) has formed Biotech Committee to create more awareness about agricultural biotechnology in Pakistan. This Committee for year 2013 would be chaired by Monsanto, while DuPont Pioneer and Syngenta are the members.

According to details, the working of the committee will be governed by policies and procedures of CropLife International, a global federation representing the plant science industry, and CropLife Pakistan which is operating in the country since 1968 representing national and multinational companies of plant science industry.

It may be mentioned here that achieving sustainability in food grain production and food security continues to be a challenge in the developing world including Pakistan. The application of biotechnology by the local farmers would not only result in enhancing productivity but would also help in addressing food security challenges.

At a time when nations all across the world are multiplying their agriculture productivity, preventing disease prevalence and solving the problem of environmental pollution, Pakistan needs a national strategy and plan of action to use this revolutionary science for solving/preventing problems and for rapid development.

Biotech crops can increase productivity and income significantly, and hence, can serve as an engine of rural economic growth that can contribute to the alleviation of poverty for the small and resource-poor farmers.

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