There was a time when we had to stick to our TV screens in order to catch our favorite Urdu cooking shows. But now the tables have turned and every desired Urdu recipes whether it is Pakistani, Continental, Chinese or Italian, it is available on the internet with only a few clicks away.

Now in the fussy life when no one has the time to sit down and learn cooking from an Urdu TV show, the internet has become a blessing where we can download our favorite Urdu recipes wherever we want. Here is a list of top five ways how online Urdu cooking has reshaped the ways of cooking and made it a lot easier.

  1. Time Saving

One of the biggest beneficial factors of online cooking food portals is that they can be accessed from anywhere, whether you are travelling, or at the office or from the comfort of your drawing room, all you have to do is take out your smart device and log on to your favourite cooking website and that’s it, you will be granted to all the cooking recipes you want.

  1. Easy Access

Watching your favorite cooking show on TV used to pretty hectic as one would have to sit down with a pen and a paper to write down the recipe and preparation method. If one part of the method was left out or one ingredient of the recipe was not written down, the whole time would be wasted and retrieval of the lost part was near impossible. But with the advent online cooking portals, one can download or watch the complete recipe wherever he wants and whenever he wants. It can also be saved on the smartphone device to review later. Moreover, hard copies of recipes are prone to damage while the soft ones can be stored easily on the device and easily accessed at the user’s leisure.

  1. Ease of Usage

Nowadays, there’s hardly a person you will find that does not have a smartphone in his pocket. This is one of the reasons that Urdu online cooking recipes have revolutionized the ways of cooking that they are easy to access, all the user has to do is connect to an internet source and he will be bestowed with an access to unlimited cooking recipes that he can easily understand. Furthermore, a handy smartphone can be carried to the kitchen with ease to keep every ingredient in check.

  1. Sharing

Back when cooking shows were popular on TV, sharing recipes was a complete headache as the entire recipe had to be written down on paper and dealt with care until it was shared with somebody. Nowadays, with the advent of online cooking and smartphones, a recipe can be saved with a click and shared to friends and family thousands of kilometers away via messaging apps like WhatsApp. They can also be shared with a mass number of people with the use of social media applications like Facebook and twitter.

  1. Review

Nowadays, many websites have their very own discussion forums where users can share their views about a particular recipe that they tried or are willing to try. These user forums have made it even easier for people to connect with each other and express views and ideas over their favorite Urdu cooking recipes.

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